
CITI 2022

8th International Congress of Technologies and Innovation

Novy 14 15 16 17, 2022

8th International Congress of Technologies and Innovation

CITI is an international event which pursues the promotion of research on Computer Science mainly in Ecuador and other South American countries. Nonetheless, CITI is open to the whole world. Papers from other countries will be very welcome. The 7th International Conference on Technologies and Innovation

(CITI2022) is a premier event that addresses new advancements in research, development, innovation and university teaching, within the field of computer science and technology. It aims to provide a platform for researchers to share their original work and practical development experiences. The application of advanced and innovative methods and techniques are expected to constitute the line of the proposals, within the field of Computer Science and Information Systems that represent an innovation in the current society.

Free access until December 02-2022



Honor Commitee

  • Ing. Martha Bucaram Leverone, Phd. (Rectora - UAE, Ecuador)
  • Ing. Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt, Phd. (Vicerector - UAE, Ecuador)
  • Dra. Emma Jácome Murillo, Msc (Decana Fac. Ciencias Agrarias)
  • Ing. Teresa Samaniego, Msc (Coord. Computación e Info. - UAE)
  • Ing. Martha Bucaram Leverone, Phd. (Rectora - UAE, Ecuador)
  • Ing. Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt, Phd. (Vicerector - UAE, Ecuador)
  • Ing. Paulo Humberto Centanaro, Phd(Decano Fac. Ciencias Agrarias)
  • Ing. Teresa Samaniego, Msc (Coord. Computación e Info. - UAE)

General Chairs

  • Rafael Valencia-García (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Martha Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Nestor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Ing. Paulo Humberto Centanaro, Phd (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Rafael Valencia-García (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Martha Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Néstor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Ing. Paulo Humberto Centanaro, Phd. (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)

Program Chairs

  • Rafael Valencia-García (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Martha Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Nestor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Paulo Humberto Centanaro(Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Rafael Valencia-García (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Martha Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Javier Del Cioppo Morstadt (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Nestor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Paulo Humberto Centanaro(Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)

Scientific Comittee

  • Martha Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecu)
  • Rina Bucaram Leverone (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Rafael Valencia-García (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Ricardo Colomo-Palacios (Ostfold University College, Norway)
  • Ghassan Beydoun (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
  • Antonio A. López-Lorca (University of Melbourne, Australia)
  • José Antonio Miñarro-Giménez (Medical Graz University, Austria)
  • Catalina Martínez-Costa (Medical Graz University, Austria)
  • Chunguo Wu (Jillin University, China)
  • Siti Hajar Othman (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia)
  • Anatoly Gladun (V.M.Glushkov of National Academy Science, Ukraine)
  • Aarón Ayllón-Benítez (Université de Bordeaux, France)
  • Giner Alor-Hernández (Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • José Luis Ochoa (Universidad de Sonora, México)
  • Ana Muñoz (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)
  • Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
  • Lucía Serrano-Luján(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
  • Eugenio Martínez-Cámara (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
  • Gema Alcaraz-Mármol (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain)
  • Gustavo Zurita (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Francisco M. Fernandez-Periche (U. Antonio Nariño, Colombia)
  • Ali Pazahr (Islamic Azad University-Ahvaz branch, Iran)
  • Diego Gabriel Rossit (U. Nacional del Sur (UNS)-CONICET, Argentina)
  • Victor Rafael Bravo Bravo (Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela)
  • Alvaro David Torrez Baptista (Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil)
  • Mónica Marrero (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
  • Ricardo Coelho Silva (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)
  • Alejandro Rodríguez-González (U. Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  • Carlos Cruz-Corona (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
  • Dagoberto Catellanos-Nieves (Universidad de la Laguna, Spain)
  • Antonio Ruiz-Martínez (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Manuel Quesada-Martínez (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain)
  • Maria Pilar Salas-Zárate (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Mario Andrés Paredes-Valverde (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • Luis Omar Colombo-Mendoza (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  • José Medina-Moreira (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Thomas Moser (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
  • Lisbeth Rodriguez Mazahua (I. Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • Jose Luis Sanchez Cervantes (I. Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • Cristian Aaron Rodriguez Enriquez (I. Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • Humberto Marin Vega (Tecnológico N. de Mexico/I.T.S.Zongolica)
  • Salud M. Jiménez Zafra (Universidad de Jaén, Spain)
  • M. Abirami (Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India)
  • Gandhi Hernandez (U. Tecnológica Metropolitana, Mexico)
  • Manuel Sánchez-Rubio (U. internacional de la Rioja, Spain)
  • Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela (Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)
  • Alonso Perez-Soltero (Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)
  • Gerardo Sanchez-Schmitz (Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)
  • José Luis Hernández Hernández (U. Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico)
  • Mario Hernández Hernández (U. Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico)
  • Severino Feliciano Morales (U. Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico)
  • Guido Sciavicco (University of Ferrara, Italy)
  • José Aguilar (Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela)
  • Ángel García Pedrero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  • Miguel Vargas-Lombardo (U. Tecnologica de Panama, Panama)
  • Denis Cedeño Moreno (U. Tecnologica de Panama, Panama)
  • Viviana Yarel Rosales Morales (I. Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • José Javier Samper-Zapater (Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
  • Claudia Victoria Isaza Narvaez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
  • Raquel Vasquez Ramirez (Instituto Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico)
  • Janio Jadán Guerrero (Universidad Indoamérica, Ecuador)
  • Yordani Cruz Segura (Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas. Cuba)
  • Freddy Tapia León (U. de las fuerzas armadas ESPE, Ecuador)
  • Nemury Silega Martínez (U. de las Ciencias Informáticas, Cuba)
  • Astrid Duque Ramos (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
  • Nelson Becerra Correa (U. Distrital Fco José de Caldas, Colombia)
  • Alireza khackpour (Ostfold University College, Norway)
  • Mary Sánchez-Gordon (Ostfold University College, Norway)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Katty Lagos Ortiz - Coord. CITI (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Teresa Samaniego Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Néstor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)
  • Katty Lagos Ortiz - Coord. CITI (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Teresa Samaniego Cobo (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
  • Néstor Vera Lucio (Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador)

Call of Paper

Computer science and technology have promoted the development of different types of innovation in current society in the last years, and in different sectors such as industry, businness, health and education.

The 8th International Conference on Technologies and Innovation (CITI2022) aims to become an international framework and meeting point for professionals who are preferently devoted to research, development,innovation and university teaching, within the field of computer science and technology applied to any important field of innovation.

CITI2022 has been organized as a knowledge-exchange conference formed by several plenary talks and contributions about current innovative technology. These proposals deal with the most important aspects and future prospects from an academic, innovative and scientific perspective.

The goal of the conference is the feasibility of investigating advanced and innovative methods and techniques and their application in different domains in the field of Computer Science and Information Systems that represent an innovation in the current society.

Submission procedure

The papers must contain original, relevant and previously unpublished sound research results related to any of the topics of the conference. The papers must be submitted in English.

Submitting a paper implies that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the paper in the conference.Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee based on relevance, originality, significance, quality and clarity. Accepted papers will be given guidelines for preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to give an approx. 20 minutes presentation of their research work.

Presentations should include research results, interesting research questions, and open issues to be discussed during the conference. Each accepted paper must have a corresponding registered author to be included in the proceedings. Papers that do not have an associated registered author will not be included in the proceedings.We cannot warrant the paper to appear in the proceedings if registration is not done within time limits.

The papers must be submitted in English. The conference proceedings will be published with Springer in their. Communications in Computer and Information Science series Authors should prepare their manuscripts of 12-15 pages (Springer formatting guidelines), including figures and references.

To submit or upload a paper please go to:




The conference pursues high-quality research contributions about innovative Computer Science technologies, helping to communicate and disseminate relevant recent research on this field. The goal is to provide a vibrant forum of discussion on theoretical and experimental contributions within the framework of new technologies. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not restricted to:

Artificial Intelligence

  • Knowledge-based systems and applications
  • Knowledge representation and reasoning
  • Cased based reasoning
  • Machine learning approaches
  • Agent-and systems
  • Semantic Web applications
  • Intelligent systems
  • Big Data
  • Business intelligence
  • Data analysis applications
  • Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems
  • Applications and case studies of intelligent technologies

  • Software Engineering

  • Requirements engineering
  • Requirements engineering
  • User Modeling and Management
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Object-Oriented Technology
  • Software Architecture and Design
  • Theory and Formal Methods
  • Business processes modeling
  • Modeling Use Cases and Scenarios
  • Web Engineering

  • Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring
  • Mobile computing
  • Mobile sensing
  • Robotics in Cloud
  • Wearable device and Cloud
  • Hybrid Clouds
  • PaaS, SaaS, IaaS
  • Registration

  • Students $25
  • Registration
  • Professionals $60
  • Author Registration National
  • (Normal Paper) $280
  • Author Registration Foreign
  • Normal Paper) $280 + Taxes $20 = $300
  • Conference dates
  • 14 - 17 November 2022
  • Paper submission deadline
  • 15 June 2022
  • 30 June 2022
  • Acceptance notification
  • 29 July 2022
  • Paper registration
  • 10 August 2022 Storage
  • Camera ready
  • 10 August 2022

  • Unidad de Recaudación UAE Guayaquil
  • Unidad de Recaudación UAE Milagro


  • Code Swith: PICHECEQ
  • Bank Deposite: Banco Pichincha
  • ABBA Code: 221172241


  • Type of person: Legal
  • DNI: 0960005610001
  • Bank: Banco del Pichincha
  • Current: Cuenta Corriente 3435383904
  • Address: Avda. 25 de Julio and Pío Jaramillo
  • City: Guayaquil
  • Phone: 042439995
  • Economic Activity: Higher Education Activities
  • codigo 130108
  • Conferences

    Dr. Jacobo Bucaram Ortiz


    Quinta Ola de Progreso de la Humanidad. Protección del Medio Ambiente

    Rector Creador Fundador de la Universidad Agraria del Ecuador

    Guayaquil & Ecuador

    Ing. Geovanny Pérez


    Introducción a la Informática Forense

    Computer Forensic Analyst

    Homeland Security Investigations

    United States Department of Homeland Security

    Orlando & EEUU

    Ing. David Benavides


    "On premise vs Cloud: caso de éxito aplicado a Contact Center"

    Director de TI en GEA Ecuador, empresa multinacional de servicios basados en telefonía y telecomunicaciones.

    Guayaquil & Ecuador

    Phd. Oscar Apolinario Arzube


    Agroindustria 4.0

    Guayaquil & Ecuador

